Buy the 5.1, 4.1, 4.0 & stereo mix as 48 kHz 24 bit flac – (digital download incl. 224-256 kbps mp3, lyrics & artwork)
5.1 flac streaming:
#1 Disturbing the Universe
#2 Break You
Stereo stream & Blu-ray/CD on Bandcamp
Review on Mediaversal Reviews
This is a collection of a some (reworked) older and newer songs, plus remixes.
Available in 2.0 stereo, 4.0 quad and 5.1 surround.
Released June 16, 2017
Music & lyrics by Mike Vieira, except where noted.
Mike Vieira: vocal, guitars, synths, drums, percussion, sound effects
Sabrina Lynch: vocal
Jeremy Race: bass
Kevin Heckeler: bass, sound effects concept
John Caballero: lead guitar
Pat Sullivan: lead guitar
Brian O’Connell: vocal, guitar, synths
Jason Bliss: organ, synths
Greg Chissus-Smith: piano
Arrangements by ji eff and Mike Vieira
2.0 & 5.1 mixes by ji eff
Remixes by ji eff